Topic Overview:
1. Are You the Entrepreneurial Type?
2. Small Business FAQ
3. Introduction
4. Deciding What You Want To Do
5. Viability Of Your Idea
6. New Learning
7. Writing a Business Plan
8. Financing Your Business
9. Effective Partnering
10. Mentors and Resources
11. Business Structure
12. Licenses, Regulations and Permits
13. Small Business Insurance
14. Employment Issues
15. Hiring/Managing/Firing Employees
16. Accounting System/Internal Controls
17. Implement Your Marketing Plan/Selling Product
18. Creating Your Product
19. Refining Your Marketing Plan
20. Modifying Your Product, Creating New Products
21. Reevaluating Your Company
22. Growing Your Company
23. Contemplating Your Exit Strategy
24. Further Small Business Resources
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