Thursday, December 27, 2012

7 Ways You're Wasting Time and Don't Even Know It

Some thoughtful tips and advice on finding ways to de-clutter your day and find time to get the most important tasks done!

Read article here

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

10 Questions Entrepreneurs Can Ask to Focus Their Vision

by Jackie Nagel

While the mission of your business centers on what you are called to achieve, your vision is the result of all you desire to accomplish. It is your ideal - your future. The vision you create for your business is the sustaining force that stimulates innovation, communicates passion, and inspires the masses to action. It is the vacuum that pulls you, and others, forward.

Read article here

Saturday, December 15, 2012

How to Use Facebook for Home Business Success

By Sue Papadoulis

Can you really make money from Facebook? Yes, you can! It's a two-sided process though. On one hand you need the technical information to set up professional pages and give people the opportunity to access you and your products. But most importantly, you need to be willing to create an emotional connection with potential customers.

Here's how I created a presence on Facebook that has led to thousands of dollars in product sales, valuable joint venture opportunities, invitations to speak on teleseminars, invitations to co-author two books, and the creation of a supportive and overwhelmingly positive community of like-minded people who love what I do:

1. Un-friend your high school mates or anyone who won't relate to the 'new you' in business. Like most people when I first joined Facebook it was all about connecting with long lost school friends. In fact it was the ONLY reason I joined, because I was about to attend my high school reunion and the organisers set up a special page for the event. Once I decided to use Facebook for business, I was shocked by the reaction of some friends who actually poked fun at my posts and left inappropriate comments, simply because I wasn't being the person they knew in high school. So, I deliberately un-friended high school mates and anyone else that wasn't a business contact. In fact, I don't have too many social friends on Facebook now because we connect in person, via email or the phone.

2. Post about your business life: In order to encourage people to engage you need to give them a reason to return to your pages, which means there's plenty of activity by posting at least a few times a day. Rather than posting about your personal life, write about what's happening in your business - successes and challenges.

3. Don't be fearful of revealing yourself: Everyone faces challenges and difficult times - opening yourself up to reveal your own fears, doubts and issues can help you create closer relationships (of course this is true in any social setting). Let your personality shine through - warts and all.

4. Answer questions and leave comments: The more active you are on group pages relating to your industry the more likely you are to be seen as an expert in your field. Answer questions from others if you can help, and leave positive comments.

5. Connect with key influencers: Each industry has a handful of people who are 'key influencers' - those who are the stars and who many others look up to. Associate yourself with these people. Friend them, like their group pages, comment on their posts and answer the questions of others in their circle.

6. Don't write anything you wouldn't want to be seen on the front page of a newspaper, or have your mother read: You can create great working relationships with people all over the world, but never forget that everything you post is public and could easily get into the hands of people it wasn't intended for. You must always maintain your professionalism.

Follow these steps and you'll be well on your way to having an effective Facebook presence that makes you money.

And the technical side? I recently bought the re-sale rights for a fantastic video training course on how to make money from Facebook fan (or 'like') pages. It gives you all the technical information you need to set up a professional Facebook fan page, drive traffic to your page and sell products. Find out more here.

© 2010 Home Biz Chicks

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Online entrepreneur Sue Papadoulis empowers and inspires others, to live the life of their dreams by starting and growing successful home businesses. She is the founder of Home Biz Chicks, which provides step-by-step advice on getting started, marketing, PR, finances, best mindset, and juggling work vs. home. Access Sue's special video (valued at $279) How to Generate Free Publicity for Your Business free at Get Sue's $79 audio CD Secrets to Home Biz Success free at

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

5 Ways to Improve Cash Flow

by Matt Quinn

If you're looking for a quick fix for cash-flow problems, good luck. But if you're serious about making strategic changes, read on for five tips on how to increase your cash flow. Plus: More accounting advice on managing your company's numbers.

Read his tips here

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

We had been offline preparing since 10/27, due to hurricane Sandy. On 10/29 we had a mandatory evacuation from our area, that was subsequently hit hard and almost completely wiped out. I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude and wishes to all who have survived this storm and send our prayers to those who are still in the recovery process. We were blessed in that we had a place to go to (my parents) and that our power was finally restored after 10 days. Although we are still going through some issues and are not 100% back in our home (as of 11/28) we are just grateful that we at least still have a home. Sincerely Patricia

Thursday, October 18, 2012

2 Radical Ideas for Start Up Success

It's a pretty well-accepted fact that entrepreneurs typically approach business differently than traditional Corporate America workers.

But many successful entrepreneurs take it a step further and completely flip the script in order to subscribe to a new business paradigm. Would your business benefit from a new way of thinking?

Read article here

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

15 Dumb Mistakes to Avoid When Pitching Investors

The Young Entrepreneur Council asked 15 successful young entrepreneurs about the dumb mistakes entrepreneurs make when initially pitching to investors. Here are their best answers.

Read their comments here

Friday, October 5, 2012

Counseling and Training /

SBA is dedicated to helping you and your small business succeed. There are a variety of online and offline trainings which cover many business topics for you to learn.

Read information here

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Anatomy of a Killer Business Plan

by Peter Cohan Founder of Peter S. Cohan & Associates

"Unless you have a spectacular track record as an entrepreneur or an exceptionally great new business idea, you cannot raise capital without a business plan. I have invested in six start-ups and three of those were sold for a total of $2 billion. The other three went out of business."

Read article here

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An Introduction to Business Plans

A business plan is a written description of your business's future. That's all there is to it--a document that describes what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. If you jot down a paragraph on the back of an envelope describing your business strategy, you've written a plan, or at least the germ of a plan.

Read article here

Friday, September 21, 2012

12 Tips for Balancing Entrepreneurship & Parenthood

The Young Entrepreneur Council asked 12 successful young entrepreneurs about how to better balance the demands of growing children and a growing business. Here are their best answers.

Read the tips here

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tools for Creating an Employee Handbook

"...When well written and organized properly, it clearly sets forth your expectations for employees, describes what they can expect from your company, and lays out your legal obligations as an employer and your employee's rights. The following guide brings together tools to help you assemble an effective handbook."

Read details here

Friday, September 14, 2012

How to Write a Summary Business Plan

by Darren Dahl

A business plan doesn't have to be all encompassing, especially when you're trying to generate buzz. Here are the elements you really need.

Read article here

Sunday, September 9, 2012

10 Essential Tweets (Starting or Running a Business)

Entrepreneur Magazine - March 2010

As if we needed to tell you, not all tweets are created equal. Some are not only worth following, but also essential for anyone starting or running a business. This month, Entrepreneur kicks off a new feature, asking business leaders to name their 10 top Twitter feeds, and why. First up: A mix of business, culture, tech and news, chosen by our Editor-in-Chief Amy Cosper (that is, @EntMagazineAmy).

Read her list here

Saturday, September 1, 2012

7 Ways to Improve Employee Satisfaction

by Gretchen Rubin

Employee attitudes typically reflect the moral of the company. In areas of customer service and sales, happy employees are extremely important because they represent the company to the public. Satisfaction, however, is not linked solely to compensation.

Read article here

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

10 Tips for a Strong Start

by Brad Sugars

"...To help this process, here are 10 essential things you need to know about running a successful business. Use it as a checklist to make sure your thinking and your business plan are on the right track, or if you need to get more information, strategic education or clarity for yourself on your overall vision, your market, or your product or service."

Read his tips here

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

11 Free Tools Every Young Entrepreneur Must Use!

by Jared O'Toole

Every young entrepreneur is strapped for cash yet looking for all the same products and services that big companies use. It is important to look professional yet also squeeze every penny when starting out. Here are 11 tools that will help you do both in the startup days of your venture.

Read info here

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Achieving Success Series

Posted by Marketmommy

This post is part of a new series on Market Mommy, Achieving $uccess. These posts detail the journey these mom entrepreneurs have taken to reach sales of six figures and beyond. How do they balance it all? What strategies have worked for them? What advice do they have for you, the new mom entrepreneur?

Read through the complete list of women being profiled here

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Finding Insurance: A Beginner's Guide for the Self-Employed

by Wendy Lynn

"When you look over the following options, keep in mind how much your current insurance costs you. Even if your employer pays the full amount for your policy, it is part of your compensation; if you did not have it you would be able to have a larger salary. Chances are you are paying at least part of the premium, with it being deducted from your paycheck."

Read article here

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Five Social Media Mistakes Your Startup Must Avoid

by Neil Patel

While using social media can be an effective marketing idea for startup companies on a small budget, executing them isn't always foolproof. Falling victim to any of the common flubs can end up damaging your business's reputation and chances for success.

Read his tips here

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Find Willing Investors

by Darren Dahl

Most entrepreneurs who dream big simply don't have access to the kind of money it takes to realize their aspirations. Enter the professional investor community. But, in order to get investors to open up their checkbooks, you'll need to convince them that your idea is worthy and also be willing to subject yourself to increased scrutiny and give up a percentage of your company.

Read article here

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

National Association for the Self Employed

View complete information and details re membership, etc here

Monday, July 23, 2012

7 Tips to Take Your Business Online

Taking your business online is a great way to reach out to customers, and deliver your services even at locations where you thought you couldn't. Here are 7 tips on how you should create an e-commerce site for your small business.

Read tips here

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dealing With Anxieties & Stresses Of Managing Your Own Business

by Stanley Popovich

Owning a small or large business can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Many business owners have to deal with a lot of stress and anxiety nowadays. It can be tough to own your own business and to be successful in what you do...

Read article here

Friday, June 29, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Build a Killer Website: 19 Tips

by Ilya Pozin

"For this reason, our first question is always “Why do you need a site?,” not “What do you want on it?” At bottom your website is a marketing tool. For many businesses, it’s the only source of business. If done right, it can be a major part of yours..."

Read his tips here

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Business of Better Benefits

by Gwen Moran

Providing a first-rate benefits package for employees can be an important part of the recruitment and retention puzzle, especially for small businesses

Read information here

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

25 Most Influential Women Tweeting About Entrepreneurship

by Holly Reisem Hanna

With women starting new businesses at twice the rate of men, and with women dominating the social media realm, I knew that there was no shortage of women tweeting about entrepreneurship.

Read her list here

Monday, May 21, 2012

Keeping Loyal Customers Loyal

"The long-term goal for most marketers out there is to gain customers and successfully keep them coming back for more," writes Kristen Gregory at the Bronto blog...That's where loyalty programs come into play—and for email marketers, they fall into two general categories..."

Read article here

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Do You Need to Protect Your Copyrights and Trademarks?

Copyrights and trademarks can be a confusing lot for the small business owner. They are considered valuable assets by giant corporations and guarded vehemently. However, small business owners should do the same. Do you guard your intellectual property properly?

Read article here

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Are Your Credit Card Bills Out of Control? (Biz)

by Norm Brodsky | From the April 2011 issue of Inc. magazine

In order to build a viable business, columnist Norm Brodsky says that you need to exercise sound inventory control. Here's how. Plus: Get more tips on running your office and operations.

Read his tips here

Thursday, May 10, 2012

5 Step Venture eMentoring Program

A free business training program to support successful self-employment/small business development.

5 Steps to Part-Time Self-employment takes you through a series of exercises that will help you to evaluate your readiness and suitability for this form of part-time self-employment. It is comprised of 5 Sessions, each designed to support you in productively addressing the following entrepreneurial components.

Step 1: Self-Assessment
Am I suited for running my own business?

Step 2: Business Idea & Market Analysis
Do I have a viable business idea? Is there a market for my business idea?

Step 3: Cost & Income Forecasting
Do I have a realistic forecast of revenues and costs?

Step 4: Business Proposal
Can I explain my business idea so that it makes sense to others?

Step 5: Monitor Progress
Am I prepared to monitor and control operations once started?

Read details and view more information here

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How To Start Your Own Home Based Business Manuals

Have you always wanted to start your own business but had no idea where to start? Or maybe you have an idea of the type of business you want to start but don't know what to do first? We have found some wonderful step-by-step guides for more than 30 fun and unique businesses that you can do from home AND help you to start making money by laying out all that you need to do in order to get your business off the ground the RIGHT way.

Read information here

Friday, May 4, 2012

Five Ways to Handle Negative Comments

Whether bad-mouthing a product via Twitter or leaving a scathing review on Yelp, unhappy customers—or mischievous competitors—can and will sully your business, often through anonymous accounts.

Read article here

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A 10-Step Double-Dip Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs

by Carol Tice

"What can you do to make sure your business thrives even if the economy goes down the tubes again? Here are 10 ideas, from marketing and business-wealth expert Thor Harris, president of the PR firm Percepture and some from moi.."

Read article here

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Top Seven Mistakes Business Owners Make Filing Insurance Claims

by Carol Tice

"In the chaos that follows a natural disaster, mistakes can be made that may delay insurance reimbursement, or mean your insurance won't pay at all. Long delays can be deadly for a business trying to bounce back and get the doors open again. Here are the top seven mistakes business owners make in filing insurance claims."

Read article here

Thursday, March 1, 2012

6 Capital Funding Sources for Minority Businesses

by Carolyn M. Brown

Uncertain economic times and a tight credit environment call for creative, nontraditional financial solutions for minority entrepreneurs.

Read more here

Monday, February 20, 2012

The New Rules of Building Customer Loyalty

"...Experts say there are some rules to follow to make your customers feel like kings from the very first moment they encounter your product or service. Do it right, and you'll not only score a lifelong customer, but also an advocate for your brand—and that's a lot more valuable."

Read article here

Friday, February 17, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Know the 6 Stages of Your Customers’ Purchase Process

A guest post by Gary Gebenlian of Future Simple.

To do this, you need to understand your customers’ purchase process and then focus your marketing objectives on a specific stage or two within this process...Here are the six general stages of your customers’ purchase process.

Read his post here

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Scam Artists Target the Unemployed: How to Avoid Being a Victim

by Sheryl Nance-Nash

Some people kick you when you're down, and with the effects of the recession lingering on through the jobless recovery, there are plenty of people down there to kick. Scams targeting the unemployed and cash-strapped are on the rise, and the con artists are getting more creative and sneaky.

Read article here

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Work at Home Mom Blues

by Corrie Petersen

That’s the topic of this week’s feature article in WAHM Tips. Before I wrote this post, though, I wanted to know how common a problem this really is. I know I get a little blue about working at home sometimes, but maybe I was the only one.

Read article here

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Pros and Cons of Telecommuting

by Liz Krause

Telecommuting from home is not for everyone, but as IP technology such as IP phone systems and mobile apps continue to improve and gain popularity in businesses, more employees are finding themselves in a position to choose telecommuting as an option in the workplace.

Read article here

Friday, January 13, 2012

10 Things to Look for in a Web Hosting Service

by Darren Dahl

What follows are 10 tips, from business owners and experts alike, about the kinds of questions and issues you want to think about before deciding where to host your website.

Read tips here

Monday, January 9, 2012

Where Not to Look for Money -- And Where You're More Likely to Find It

by Bob Reiss

One of the major obstacles entrepreneurs face in starting a business is raising the money they need. It can be the most time-consuming, frustrating and disheartening factor in launching a new venture. Save yourself some energy and angst by not looking to sources that conventional wisdom would suggest as logical places to find startup capital. Instead, focus on more realistic prospects.

Read article here

Friday, January 6, 2012

Entrepreneurs' Best Money-Saving Secrets

by Charlotte Jensen

Even before belt-tightening became de rigueur, entrepreneurs were building businesses while quietly finding ways to cut costs. So who better to ask in a recession for their smartest, savviest cost-cutting tips? Here are 17 creative, easy and unexpected ways entrepreneurs are slashing hundreds -- and sometimes even thousands -- of dollars from their budgets.

Read tips here

Monday, January 2, 2012

How to Avoid Compromising Your Home Office Data Security

One of the major risks that savvy business owners need to avoid is that of leaving their valuable and precious office and client data susceptible to cyber theft. That is why the lone entrepreneur or small business owner must wear an additional hat, that being the IT and Data Security Manager.

Read article here