Monday, March 27, 2017

Are Color Trends Important in Product Design?

Emotional resonance is key to successful design. Consider color: Its influence begins in childhood, when you probably picked your favorite. "It's really multilayered, the human reaction to color," says Courtney Garvin, an Atlanta-based graphic designer whose senior thesis at Yale concerned color theory. "There's the physical aspect--what happens optically, what happens in the brain. Then you have cultural associations, personal connotations and on and on."

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Friday, March 3, 2017

Are You Losing Money with Your Mobile E-Commerce? [INFOGRAPHIC]

by Jenna Compton, July 28, 2014

If you're hesitant to redesign your business's website responsively, you might think again after analyzing your mobile e-commerce performance. By analyzing your site's checkout process on mobile, you might gain a new perspective. Is your process easy? Is it frustrating? Take a look at some stats showing how customers behave when shopping on mobile and where your potential revenue could be lost.

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